Zionism 101:
1.) Lie about Facts
2.) Get Exposed
3.) Cry Antisemitism

United Nations General Assembly Resolution ESโ€‘10/19 is an emergency session resolution declaring the status of Jerusalem as Israel's capital as "null and void".

Zionist lies in the morning...

United Nations General Assembly Resolution ESโ€‘10/19 is an emergency session resolution declaring the status of Jerusalem as Israel's capital as "null and void".

Savage criminal cowards taking out their agression on defenseless civilians. Terrorists by any and all means.

Killing one's own combatants who have surrendered would generally be considered illegal under domestic laws and could be classified under various legal frameworks depending on the jurisdiction:

Military Law: Most countries' military codes explicitly prohibit executing or harming soldiers who have surrendered or are no longer able to fight. This is to maintain discipline, morale, and to uphold the principle of protection for those who have laid down their arms.

National Law: Acts like murder or manslaughter would apply in most legal systems, even if committed during wartime. Military personnel are still subject to national criminal laws when actions exceed the bounds of military operations or discipline.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL): While IHL primarily focuses on the treatment of enemy combatants, the principles of humanity and unnecessary suffering apply universally. Harming or killing one's own personnel who have ceased to be combatants would run counter to these principles, though the legal pathways might be more convoluted or subject to internal military justice systems rather than international tribunals.

Human Rights Law: Depending on the context, such acts could also be examined under human rights frameworks, especially if there's an element of extrajudicial killing, which is prohibited under international human rights law.

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Rome Statute: Article 70
**Offences against the administration of justice**
  1. The Court shall have jurisdiction over the following offences against its administration of justice when committed intentionally:

    • (a) Giving false testimony when under an obligation pursuant to article 69, paragraph 1, to tell the truth;

    • (b) Presenting evidence that the party knows is false or forged;

    • (c) Corruptly influencing a witness, obstructing or interfering with the attendance or testimony of a witness, retaliating against a witness for giving testimony or destroying, tampering with or interfering with the collection of evidence;

    • (d) Impeding, intimidating or corruptly influencing an official of the Court for the purpose of forcing or persuading the official not to perform, or to perform improperly, his or her duties;

    • (e) Retaliating against an official of the Court on account of duties performed by that or another official;

    • (f) Soliciting or accepting a bribe as an official of the Court in connection with his or her official duties.

  2. The principles and procedures governing the Court's exercise of jurisdiction over offences under this article shall be those provided for in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

  3. The conditions for providing international cooperation to the Court with respect to its proceedings under this article shall be governed by the domestic laws of the requested State.

  4. In the event of conviction, the Court may impose a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years, or a fine in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, or both.

    • (a) Each State Party shall extend its criminal laws penalizing offences against the integrity of its own investigative or judicial process to offences against the administration of justice referred to in this article, committed on its territory, or by one of its nationals;

    • (b) Upon request by the Court, whenever it deems it proper, the State Party shall submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution. Those authorities shall treat such cases with diligence and devote sufficient resources to enable them to be conducted effectively.

Being Jewish does not give you any special privilege to commit Genocide. Therefore the decision of the International Criminal Court is not antisemitic but overdue. Your victim card has expired. Your criminal actions in Gaza are going to have consequences.

I have been sleeping a few hours. Did I miss something?Has the German government already called the arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court a pogrom? Has it declared the judges to be "Persona non Grata"? Or is that yet to come?

You can consider yourself lucky if you find someone to love you as much as Germany loves Genocide.

Israel being Israel. Punishing defenseless civilians in Gaza because they do not like the arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court. The terrorist state must be defeated, dismantled and sent to court ASAP.

By the sacred light of the eternal, I command you, spirit of darkness, to depart your position. I cast you out, malevolent entity. Return to the void from whence you came, never to trouble this world again. So it shall be, by the will of the Almighty!

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