فريد πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸ‰πŸ”»: Need for a New Resolution: Specific Focus on Prevention: While...
Need for a New Resolution:

Specific Focus on Prevention: While existing mechanisms like R2P and the Genocide Convention touch on prevention, a new resolution could focus specifically on the proactive measures needed to prevent genocide. This could include early warning systems, international cooperation for capacity building, and more defined roles for UN organs in prevention activities.

Overcoming Vetoes: Given the Security Council's veto power can hinder action, a new resolution might further clarify or strengthen the General Assembly's role under Resolution 377 (V) specifically for genocide prevention, ensuring that such critical issues are not left unaddressed due to political stalemates.

Enforcement and Accountability: Such a resolution could push for stronger enforcement mechanisms, perhaps through enhanced oversight, more robust peacekeeping mandates, or clearer pathways to international tribunals.