The General Assembly adopted on Tuesday afternoon, New York time, two resolutions under the item of the Palestinian question, the first on the mandate of the Palestinian people in the United Nations Secretariat, and the other on the peaceful solution to the Palestinian question, which this year included the call to hold an international conference next June at the United Nations in New York, chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and France, and its foundations, mechanisms and objectives. The first resolution received 101 votes. In his favor 27 against 42 abstentions the second on 157 in his favor 8 against him 7 abstentions. Dr. Riyad Mansour stated that this overwhelming vote in favor of a peaceful political solution and holding an international conference, and the vote of countries such as Canada and others, confirms the almost unanimous readiness of the countries of the world to find a just and permanent solution to the Palestinian issue based on international law and relevant UN resolutions and accountability. Accordingly, Palestine welcomes this strong and comprehensive international position and thanks the countries that voted in favor of the resolution.
اتمنى ان تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان سعيدة وحرة وان تساهم الافكار والكلمات والأفعال في حياتي بطريقة ما في تلك السعادة وفي تلك الحرية للجميع الحرية للجميع ! تحرير فلسطين!
The world's most moral army...
7 martyrs and 8 wounded, including children and women, as a result of the Israeli occupation army targeting a school in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood, north of the Gaza Strip
The United Nations must immediately invoke Resolution 377 "Uniting for Peace" to 1.) convene an emergency meeting of UNGA 2.) authorize military action 3.) establish a no-fly zone above Gaza 4.) ensure unimpeded access for humanitarian aid.
Feel the sorrow, feel the pain, that you are causing once again.
Reverse the torment you create, and turn on you a crueler fate.
All your cruelty, spite and hate, shall be your own decided fate.
All ill-will you send our way, shall return, three times three.
Watch the moment when the Zionist army kidnapped 5 Palestinian doctors from a hospital in Tubas (West Bank), imitating in the West Bank the same crimes they are perpetrating in the Gaza Strip.
"Israel" can kidnap, torture and murder Palestinian doctors on a daily basis with total impunity and it is not even reported in the media.
Can we please stop calling what is going on in Gaza a war? A war is when trained, armed and uniformed combatants fights each other. When trained and armed soldiers murder defenseless civilians, that's a war crime and in this case, more specific, a genocide.
رأيت المدينة المقدسة، القدس الجديدة، تنزل من السماء من عند الله، معدة كعروس مزينة لزوجها. وسمعت صوتاً عظيماً من العرش يقول: "انظروا! مسكن الله الآن مع الناس، وسيسكن معهم. سيكونون شعبه، والله نفسه سيكون معهم وسيكون إلههم. سيمسح كل دمعة من أعينهم. لن يكون هناك موت أو حداد أو بكاء أو ألم بعد الآن، لأن النظام القديم للأشياء قد مضى. -- رؤيا 21:2-4